Thursday, May 24, 2012


Three lanes of practically motionless traffic on the northbound side of the interstate. On the opposite side of the barrier he had seen a convoy of emergency services speed by. Finally, he crawls past the flashing red and blue lights scattered around the overturned vehicle blocking southbound traffic. The doors were cut off and there was far too much blood on the broken glass.

His stomach began to turn as he was overwhelmed with a sickening feeling. Not so much by the sight, but by the way the passersby gawked at it, like this tragedy was some sort of spectacle.

Above is an entry to this week's 100 Word Challenge


  1. about 2 hours ago EVERY cop car from our small burg sped past my house - sirens and lights and speed along the highway that runs behind us.

    I have no clue what happened for an All Call like that - I don't intend to go seeking it. That said, I know the urge to peek at accident sites.

    1. Well i certainly hope everyone was alright. Thank you for reading and commenting. Most people can relate to this in one way or another, I just wish more people saw it for what it really is...a tragedy.

  2. Whenever I see this, I do the sign of the cross and say a prayer. No good can come from those accidents. Great writing..

    1. Thank you Jenn. I'm also glad to hear you show real human qualities when you pass an accident like that. Too many just want to see what they can see.

  3. You captured that 'train wreck' mentality very well. I always think about how I would feel having other motorists gawking at me if I were ever in an accident and just try to move along as quickly as is safe.

    1. Thank you. Hopefully none of us ever find out what it's like on the other side of that 'spectacle'.

  4. I hate seeing accidents. Often I cry if it looks really bad. I had to pull off the road once because I was sobbing helplessly after passing the scene of an accident. I don't think people can control the gawking - it seems inherently human.

    1. Bad accidents are always a sad sight. I think you may be right, people just feel the NEED to look for some reason.

  5. And the fact that the accident shouldn't have interfered with southbound traffic at ALL suggests exactly how much of a spectacle there was.

    1. That's exactly it... It is the people passing by that usually turn these situations into a spectacle.

  6. Hey Christopher, first time visitor and follower and great to meet you! Nice 100 word story. The visual aspect engages the reader and tugs at the heart of compassion.

    1. Stephen, welcome and thank you for taking the time to comment and follow. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope to see you back again.
